Hello friend. As you all know that most girls tie black thread to their feet. What happens by tying it and what is the benefit of tying it?

1. Many girls tie this thread for fashion, but for girls who are of religious succession, it is very important to tie black thread in their feet.

And what is the meaning of tying this black thread and in which leg it is tied and it is also a scientific truth.
Our body is made up of five elements and the energy coming from these five elements conducts our body with evil eyes.
This black thread is tied to save. This tradition has been going on since ancient times. It dissolves the concentration of the evil eye, often many people are upset with stomach pain.

Te problem is this when their navel is stopped and stomach ache starts.

It is believed that tying black thread in both toes does not cause stomach pain and this black thread is tied in the left leg.

It does not cause pain in their feet and according to the scriptures, if they tie black thread in the right foot of Tuesday, there is wealth in the house and to avoid Shanidev, there is also black thread. Dhana should