Why did the pubg game become so famous and why people play so much
What is a pubg game and why did it happen so well known why people play so much more than that.
Friends, today we will tell you why the pubgl game was so famous, so there are many games in the world which are big, that is, somewhere in gb, there are many games which are 100 GB, 200 GB etc. and there are many that are less GB or The games which are of MB are more GBK, they are of laptop computer and other devices, but there are many games which are also more GB or MB than mobile, which are either mobile hangs by playing in light mobiles. Is there a problem in the mobile or you will know that when we play a game, if the game is hanging in between and we get some loss due to that then we get very angry. It even comes to our mind that we should break this phone now or else you hit that phone or hit the wall but
Friends, if you believe in reality, then if your phone is hanging, then you do not play that game because if you play and hang then you will be bad and you can do anything in anger, that is why your phone is hanging. Let's not play it guys, now we will tell you why the pubg game was so famous. Friends, we will tell you why the pubg game was so famous and how to play it friends Must have heard the name of Zee game, but that game has increased a bit, that is, it is 1 point 8 GB, so friends play it, although many copyrighted games of PUBG have come but
People liked the pubg so they all play the same game in many games are similar to the pubg and when we see a man in the game and we shoot him, our bullet marks remain white while In a free fire game, when we shoot a man, when that target goes over that man, then that bullet will turn red from white, so that we can know that the target of our bullet is right. But this update is not given in the public game, that's why people, people, pubg because of this update
Play and anywhere people do not play due to the increase in content, many people have their phones kept, that's why they play pubg. If the phone has more than 3GB or 3GB of RAM, then the game can be played and free fire game 1GB RAM Can be played in this game, that's why more people play pub. Friends, what you have to do in the free pubg game is that we are dropped from the aeroplane at a place in which we can land where we want. Then a parachute is also given for landing in it. After that, when we come down, we have nothing. Then we stay home and go to those houses, we get a gun boosting mechanism and other kind of material in which the hat court If we look at them, then we are also given a map on one side, if we see in that map, then we come in a safe zone, inside which we have to live if we walk outside it. If we go, we die and we have to start that game again, friends, after we take the gun, we have to stay inside that safe zone and the safe zone is gradually smaller and when we see someone, we have to shoot it. If we do not shoot him, then we can also shoot him, by doing so, we would have saved Arjuna by escaping out of 100 people, we are much less saved and after all I am a winner. It is believed that he survives by killing everyone. Friends, we can also play this game with our friends, that is, this game is played online and in this game we can play four friends, two friends and ourselves alone if we Friends, then we have friends in whom we send request
And if that friend accepts our request, then play with us and if we play that game and shoot one of us somewhere, then hit friend can save us i.e. he can give us creatures and friends of this game. The best thing is that in this game we can also talk while playing online i.e. if we are two friends both live together even if they are far away but they can talk likewise Friends, this pubg game became so famous, if friends, in this game we want to play with four friends and we do not have friends, then you play again by playing four ones, your three friends will come like this only if you play both of them. Want and you are one, then play will come like this, your friend and the two best thing in this game is the way we see in the movies when fighting between Villan and Hero There is a warrior and he fights with bullets in the same way in the game. We have to keep quiet. He has to kill the people of the quiet if friends want to say alone in this game then I can play alone. And the best part of this game is that it is played online and it is very fun, so friends, the game became so famous.